Monday, November 17, 2008

The Check List: Is he no Good?

Ladies..I have taken out a substantial amount of my time to get together this list of "No No's". Read each sentence paying close attention to each detail...

Check all that Apply..

__ Has more than one child with more than one woman. ( baby momma drama)

__ Claims broke, yet has those new kicks that just came out (bum)

__ Bipolar disorder, also known as.. "Baby I'm just confused" syndrome.

__ M.I.A., and no I do not mean the Hip Hop artist.. I mean Missing in Action, also known as "family days"

__ Uses the "I fell asleep early" line more than twice a week.

__ Silences his cell phone come bed time. No sweetie, its not that he don't want to be bothered.. he just don't want you playing Robocop..

__ Runs the guilt trip on how you're not understanding.. example " she's the mother of my child, what do you want from me?" Lied!

__ Lives in Williamsburg.. LMFAO!

__Owns an unlimited metro card.

__ Comes home at 4 am stumbling, waking up the next morning claiming to remember nothing. Ladies, he remembered his address didn't he? THANK YOU!

__ Only sees you during the week, thus enforcing the "I'm single attitude" come Friday.

__ Come pay day, they're the best boyfriends ever!

Ladies, I am sure there are more examples.. I am willing to adjust the list, just send me suggestions!

.. and remember, if you place a little check next to 3 or more, you got yourself a LOSER!
Run Hunnie, like your life depended on it!! lmfao!


Anonymous said...

Yo Tipp your an asshole, lolodsfadfafolll

I'm really not your typical always in a relationship ass niggas nor do i have kids but i will say im guilty of using the "Oh babe i feel asleep early" and the occasional "Babe you don't understand, i have so much going on right confused"....either way this is pure comedy...

Anonymous said...

I have other lines for niggas with out kids but i can't disclose that

Tiffany Co. said...

In refrence to your comment Juni_walmac.. It's ok.. im sure you arent the only man that uses these lines.. some more than others ofcourse.. but you took the first step in your recovery process and confessed to it! Im proud!

keeo up the good work!!!

P. Dean said...

Geeeesh .....sounds like this alcholic, baby daddy, player, boyfriend of yours that lives in willy-B, be spitting some lines at you!!..lmao....i dont wanna mention any names...but it sounds like i know this

and im def guilty of using the "fell asleep early" line..but its the truth!! i be tired man!!..cant hang like i used to!!

and whats wrong with an unlimited metro card?!?...i mean i do have a car..but who likes to drive to the city everyday!!?

You went IN on this one!..LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

and whats wrong with an unlimited metro card?!?...
You man'd up i couldn't comment on it.....word B, i have a car too, Wtf!

Tiffany Co. said...

In refrence to P.Dean.. i will not disclose any names.. only to refrain this person from humiliation.. lolbut yes indeed you may know this individual.. but remember this is not a person attack.. only facts!

also, I do not want to hear the "exceptions".. you are not excused!

oh.. and thanks! I sure did go innnn!! lmaoooo

Maria said...

ok tiff this was a good one!!! we def know a couple of guys that will fit the description, so i know you are just not talking about a certain

Miss. Ariana said...

Lmaooo, this shyt is hilarious!! We've alll dealt wit a dude like this... U forgot one tiffy... " We not together, she's just prego by me and I'm just tryin to be there for my kids.. But u know wat I feel for u" lmaoooo... U know wat u do wit a dude like that... U kick'em str8 to the curb.. I'm a baby mother ,but I believe I'm like 2% of the "none crazy" ones...lmaoo, my sons daddy got it great.. Notice the use of "baby momma/baby daddy" wasn't used.. Lmaoooo...

Anonymous said...

Hit me up Tipp, trabajo....

Anonymous said...

My phone doesnt work you schmuck, lol

Juni Walmac said...

Ok again, sorry lol