Friday, November 21, 2008

The Check List: For the Fellas

Here's a little insight for my fellas who need some guidance.
I know whenever I needed a little comfort or advice, I could count on my Boys to keep it 110% Funky with me.. lol Don't ask me why I used to word Funky.. I just like how it sounds! lmao

So here's a check list for my boys who have been suffering.. lol

Check all that Apply Boys!

__ If your girl is calling less.. means she found some1 new to entertain her. Step your game up or soon you'll be getting the "This just isn't working" call.

__ She's got a closet filled with new "Going out" clothes.. and you have yet to see her in any of it. Seems like some1 else is enjoying those skin tight dresses buddy.

__ She's got more friends you never heard of with more issues you could even imagine! The "I have to be there for her" line comes into play. lol

__ If you call and shes rushing you off.. that means homies is on the other line!

__ When the weekend comes all of a sudden she has to "work".. oh yea buddy.. she's working alright.. lmao!

__ She uses the "I need a break" or "I'm sick" line almost every other Friday morning... lmao

__ If you call her friends (stalker) looking for her, and NO ONE knows where she is, you're screwed and their lying!

__ Her away message says "Busy" or "Out" Missy is playing it soooo safe! lmao

__ For some reason she's seen most of the new movies out, and they haven't been with you... I smell trouble.

There's tons more, but I cant spill all the beans.
Just remember boys, Girls always do it better. Our affection for you wont change.. and if you're really dumb, you wont even notice that we are happy most when we're not with you..
So keep your eyes open and Step your game up!

And for the good guys with TRIFLIN' girls..
You better be out before she burns you! lmfao!


Juni Walmac said...

Lmao and i wonder why you know all of these things, "dir que" your a non relationship as nigga but i dont play any of those fuckin games anyway lol....

Tiffany Co. said...

mira.. juni!
It's for my boys! not me! lmao

stop trying to blow me up man!

oh and I thought u were supposed to be working! cut the crap u!