Monday, March 9, 2009

Process Of Elimination

Well, it's become clear that I need to eliminate a lot of garbage from life. When I say garbage I mean baggage, dead weight, time consumers, etc. I like to call this chapter of my life "SPRING CLEANING." 
I am simply at a place in my life where no one matters to me. It may seem harsh, but I finally have to think of myself. I have a small group of close friends and the love of my family. What more could someone ask for?
I just find that everyone has an agenda these days. The betrayal is inevitable, and the disappointment come by the dozen. Frankly, I'll pass. I am aware of who I can trust and depend on. When life becomes to much to bare, or boys leave me without words, I can call my girls*
Friend is a term too loosely used. It's taken some time, but with experience I have used the process of elimination to dispose of the garbage. 

Good bye to the drama.. hellooooo sanity! lmao
I feel like a weight is lifted.. =)

1 comment:

Miss. Ariana said...

This is so true. I've began this process a few weeks ago..
We all we need.. Love ya!