Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I am who I am

I have been so lucky to love the people who I hold close to my heart. Whether it be friends.. family.. or a boyfriend who can't get it together (lol) I have truly been blessed.
I am aware that many people may or may not feel a certain way about me. I want to address this issue head on.
I am who I am.. and at the end of the day.. as long as I am true to myself, that's all that matters. I have to live my life as I see fit. I make the choices.. I make the mistakes.. and I live with them. Whether they are right or wrong.. I live with it.. no one else.
So please.. before you pass judgement on me and/or any others, be sure that you are content with the life you're living. Be sure that when you look in the mirror every morning, you are pleased with the person looking right back at you because the one person you can not lie to is yourself.

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