__Barack Obama
My job is not to represent Washington to you, but to represent you to Washington.
__Barack Obama

There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America.
__Barack Obama
I want everyone to check your cool kid self at the door. I want you to forget about your friends, your image, your fears, your cynicisms, your paranoias, your conspiracies and your doubts. I want you to go within yourself to that secret passageway, down the spiral staircase, to the far corner of your being, unlock the chest within your chest, and use your secret heart the one that holds all of your purest hopes, wishes, and dreams. The secret heart that has been untouched by others, by the world, by your most droning, chanting insecurities and bits of crazy. It is within that heart that I want you to consider these words, this time, and this man, Barack Obama.
I know this is a bit much for the morning but today is a unprecedented day and monumental moment in history. I hope everyone voted....
Very well put..
I dont know about you, but I'm anticipating the final results. Although, I am almost certain Obama has this in the bag.
Obama 08! I couldn't be more excited!
Doesn't he kind of remind you of a certain influencial person in history?
I know.. I'm a rediculous Obama groupie.. sorry!
Thanks, and you might that person be?
I don't know. The way he presents himself, and the charisma he has when he addresses the people gives me the whole "I have a dream" feel. Maybe it's just me, but his words are moving and very empowering. I swear I want to be black when he's done speaking..
LMBAO!!!! - "i swear i want to be black when he's done speaking"
Too funny Tiff.....
But on a serious note: The time is now!! its time for a change..and we must all be part of history!!!
My faith is in Barack!!
What!! It's true! His words are very moving P.Dean!
But you're right. On a serious note, we're living through history right now, and I feel very strongly about everyone voting and doing the right thing.
Time for Change!
Obama 08!
Lmao and wow....yes he is a very charismatic person, i first heard about in 04 when Common (The rapper) made a reference to him on one of his songs, from then on out i kept hearing his name. In the beginning i was just voting for him because HES was black (sue me) but i have since come to appreciate what he brings to the table and can identify with him as a human being and i truly believe Obama has been deemed an acceptable candidate by the powers that be and hope him being elected will come to fruition very soon!
I see you're feeling the Political power today! I'm lovin' it!
Go on with your political self! lmao
*Morphs into Senator Santiago*
lmfao!! ayy dios mio!
You're too much!
Thanks Boo
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