Today, I'm at work, minding my own business. Anyone who knows me knows that I am constantly signed onto aim while working. Around 1 p.m., right after lunch time (pizza was on the menu.. yum!) I received the oddest little instant message from screen name "SikeUrIt". There were numbers following but i think you get the point!
Anyway, as usual, this individual had nothing tasteful nor polite to say. What a surprise right? I know, tell me about it! Of course they tried to get under my skin stating, and I quote, "You ain't sh*t to no1 you stupid f*cking b*tch".
:: I'll pause for laughter ::
Now this person became very irate when of course i hit them back with a "LMFAO.. Are you serious right now?". This person did not appreciate me taking them as a joke. But at the end of the day that's what they are to me.. A joke.
Long story short.. they aimed me continuously for about 15 Min's then gave up when all I would respond with was "OK stalker" or "OK lame" and the occasional "lmao".
So, the point of this blog is, Why do people such as my aim stalker continuously hide behind their desktop? If you have the courage to im me.. you should be courageous enough to stand by who you are. Don't worry I don't bite! I just really want to understand the immature mentality that's all..
Ah well.. guess I'll never know who they are right.. until next time!
lmfaoo u have a stalker..people got nottin better to do!! is ok boo
Join the Club!!!
geeze i see im not the only 1.. good lord!
People need to go and vote and stop iming me with GARBAGE!
I get crazy you know!!!
Lol, this is why I rather use the blackberry messenger. Don't deal wit dumbness, u gotta approve n chances r the ppl wit bberry r a bit mature ( sometimes) lol.. Brush them off like lint off a shirt.. .. Wanna use my lint brush? Lmaooo! Xoxo
haha! actaully i do need a lint brush! lmfao!
Seriously Tiff..If thats all you should be happy about it..Join the Veterans Club!lmaoo
Have you gotten pictures taken off your myspace page because Stalkers/Haters reported your images? Don't worry when you get to that level holla at me. I have to get back to work. Something worth a lot more than Hate Mail....
lmfao!! oh wow.. ur kidding me right? I just went through my friends and started deleting every1 i havent spoken to.. and blocked everything..
they cant fuck with me! lmao
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