Saturday, January 17, 2009


"Love comes in un-natural forms.. And leaves abruptly.. without any reason or cause."

I am a firm believer that when it comes to the topic of love, you must always handle with care. As a single & intelligent woman I have come to the realization that it is ok so walk away from love or the one you love.

Is it better to cry for the one you love, or cry because of the one you love? Would you rather suffer with the person you love, or love yourself enough to walk away and be better off alone? I'm sure many females face this question on a daily basis.

For some time now, I have been suffering for the one that I love. I always put myself second to their needs, because I felt that was the right thing to do. Today, I know better. I love myself before any man and I remind myself daily that one day I will be happy. As of now, I fulfill my own needs. I worry about me, and only me. As much as it pains me to walk away, I am certain that I must move on. Sometimes, its best to cry because it's over, than cry because you wish it were.

" I've cried with you.. I've cried without you.. I understand that you're not for me.. and Now I cry for you.. "

1 comment:

Miss. Ariana said...

I love this! Being single isn't so bad, especially when u got good friends to help u ..xoxo