Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1st Dates.. Ugh

Now that I am dating again, I find myself almost educating these fools on how to act on a date. I have been on a few first dates recently and some of the things that these guys TRIED to do left me gasping. I almost felt embarrassed and violated at the same time. 

One of my date-scapades landed me in a very small lounge in Williamsburg. The mood and scene was actually very romantic. This particular guy, however, was not as impressive. I don't think that we had intelligent conversation at any one time that entire night. All his ignorant self could talk about was how he just got this new hair gel & how many times a week he goes to the gym.
Fellas, please stop this "cocky" epidemic from spreading any further. If you have to brag about the gym, that means you're not attending as frequently as you claim. As for the hair products, we simply do not care as to whether you are using gel, mouse or whatever other fem. products. 

I mean, these guys can't be serious right?

I also had a retard try and grab the boob. I know they're out there but my god! Ask me my last name before you go grabbing at my buffet line. lol 

Anyway, just wanted to share that experience. I'll keep you all posted as to how many lames I date before I find the winner. 

Good Night =)


Miss. Ariana said...

Haha, u gotta be a smooth operater like Ari. Lol. U see the plan we had last night thank god, I didn't have to send u that "CODE RED" text..lmfaoo!!!

Miss. Ariana said...
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