Tuesday, October 28, 2008

... and the madness begins

So.. this is my very first blog.. Don't ask me how I got into this but I did.. (Thanks Mari!) I'm not sure what to say just yet... But I am positive this is going to be HILARIOUS! For those who know me.. I never have anything serious to discuss.. Lol So I guess stay tuned til I can find something Witty and entertaining enough to post for you idiots.. lol

... until next time..
xoxo u know u love me!
(lmfao! insider!)


Maria said...

So where do i start...as am talking to you on the phone..geez i guess we cant get enough of each other that we needed a blog. ohhh wait are we doing a sex in the city thing lmfaooooo.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is losers, L7 weenies!

Anonymous said...

are we doing a sex in the city thing
This need's a disclaimer!

Anonymous said...

To the millions and millions in attendance i go by the name of Juni Walmac. I will have my own moniker soon!

Anonymous said...

Im in here like HeLLOO!

Anonymous said...

I dont like black people, is that wrong?

Anonymous said...

who's this raciest juni_walmac kid?? He needs to get slapped!!

Obama '08!! ya prick!!!
how you like them apples?!?!

Anonymous said...

umm u guys play nice please.. dont wanna scare the readers away!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*Channels inner Ace Ventura*

*Abrubtly does Ace Ventura walk down corridor*

*Square dances with the bad chick from the mailroom*

Anonymous said...

*Trips mailroom chick*


Anonymous said...

lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! ah man.. and to think.. this blog was about absolutelty nothing!!! lmao

Anonymous said...

lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!! ah man.. and to think.. this blog was about absolutelty nothing!!! lmao