Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Anticipation Is a Killer.

Inspired by a true story.. lol

Have you ever dated someone who, in your eyes, is just about the sexiest piece of meat you’ve ever laid eyes on, until they drop their jeans? Well, I know someone who knows someone (aka me) who found herself in a very sticky situation. Read on.. lol

I was “dating” a special someone who will remain nameless. I wouldn’t want to tarnish anyone’s reputation. He was tall, dark, built and handsome as hell. Every time his name was mentioned, a smile joined the conversation as well.

Our dates were eventful and always spontaneous. He seemed to have tricks up his sleeve, which kept me anticipating his next move. It was a thriller 24/7. As the “relationship” intensified, so did the sexual tension between us. It became a task to keep our little hands off one another.

Finally, on a typical Friday movie night, we sealed the deal. The weather was crummy and it was almost the perfect setting for an eventful night, but something was missing… or shall I say only half of the man I though he was, was there. Devastation would be an understatement. Never the less, we partook in the adult activities that night, but sadly, I never saw him again.

My question is, did I allow his looks to decipher his size? Is it common to confuse the 2 or was my anticipation my down fall?

Lesson Learned:
Make sure you make it to 2nd base at least before you start to actually care. lol


Anonymous said...

LMFAO omg thats hilarious, but yea I deffinately agree getting to second base early is a good thing lol

Anonymous said...

Ladies should listen to her lmao

Anonymous said...

i think every man knows exactly what he has. Since they know what they ahve and dont have they should definately not pretend that they have something they dont. at the same time i believe your pretty vain for not seeing him again. everything else seemed like it was going well, why let sometjhing as small as that(no pun intended) get in the way of something that seems nice? there are many things you could do these days when it comes to that. honestly its pretty sad...