Sunday, October 31, 2010

Love yourself.

On off days, the mirror has been my worst enemy. There is no greater task than facing yourself. After all, we know ourselves the best and there is no hiding the truth. We may be able to pass a smile off to a friend but once you catch your image reflecting back towards you, the joke will ultimately be on you.

I hate to seem "depressed" as many would call it, but I find it a tad bit harder to look deeply at myself. Maybe I am just running from a truth that I am not ready to face. I can possibly have so many worries and concerns in my own life that I don't allow myself to take the time to look a little deeper. None the less, I have made a conscious decision to make the time to get to know myself again.

There is no greater friendship than the one you maintain with yourself. Many individuals allow life to take over and become so consumed with insignificance, that they ultimately lose the most important thing. They lose themselves.

I love myself enough to know that I matter. Other's may not share that same luxury.
Therefore, to whom ever can relate, be sure to make time for yourself. Try and find what inspired you once before. Go back to old passions, pursue them. Look at old pictures, go back to the memories which remind you of you. Search high and low. Eventually, the person that you are today will begin to make sense. You will start to nourish yourself, love yourself, and value your worth.

There is no greater love than the love for ones self. Many lose pieces of themselves throughout their journey in life. A loss is always a tragedy, but your tragedies can soon become your rebirth. Perseverance, determination and most importantly, patience will guide you to the real you.

" The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely"

Stupid is as stupid does.

I have become less patient these days. For whatever reason, I have very low tolerence for stupidity. I'm sure many can relate to me when I say that we are all surrounded by some type of stupidity. I have just chosen to eliminate the excess and have filled that enormous gap with positivity.

I am not claiming to be the brightest bulb. I too, on many occasions, have been known to pull the "Blondie card." I am not particularly proud, but I am aware.

I have come up with a plan to put an end to the none- sense in which many people are creating. ( beware, for my plans tend to offend many).

I say that we start calling people out on their "special" moments.

For example: Have a friend who never understands your jokes? Aside from the fact that maybe you're just not funny, let them know that they need to get their head out of the clouds.

If you know someone who can never follow directions. Ask them, daringly, if they have ever ridden the special yellow buses to school at one point in time. These are not offensive questions. Just genuine concerns.

We need to make these individuals aware of their time consuming tendencies. If we fail at awareness, then we fail entirely and we will be the ones to suffer.

I am done with the 20 min calls on how to find my house. Especially if they have been here 20 times. I am done trying to explain my humor and I am SO DONE wasting my precious time participating in ridiculous banter.

Get a clue people. Get some Knowledge.

"Stupidity is a killer. Do not allow yourself to fall victim"

Sunday, April 25, 2010


All my life I have always had this empty feeling within. I spent much time looking and searching for that one person who could show me what love really meant. I found that person in you.

There are many who have yet to experience what I am experiencing, and for that I am truly grateful for the luxury I have been blessed with.

You are my best friend, provider, biggest fan, worst critic, personal comedian, comfort blanket, reality check, protector, diary, and lover.

Who knew my smiles could be so genuine?

As I sit and think about where we were, and how far we have come, I am enlightened. I know that life has its plan for us. But I also know that together we can over come odds and make the unique Love that we possess live on even past our years.

Maybe there will not be a white picket fence and a home filled with children, but our home will be filled with love and memories in which we have made with one another. Memories which we hold dearly to our hearts.

At the end of the day my love, you have always been good for me. You will always feel good to me. In my eyes, you are home, and home is where the heart is.

I love you Edwin.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love. I was careless. Now that all is said and done I have learned one thing. Nothing is impossible.

For quite some time, my scars were left open. My past relationship trials had taken their toll on me. The damage was done, far beyond reconstruction, so I believed. Again, nothing is impossible.

They say "time" is the healer of all things. I beg to differ. With my experience, time only allows us to learn to live with the pain and scars life and love have marked us with. For a long while, I found comfort in "time". It took a short period of time for me to realize that time was no friend of mine. I no longer wanted to disguise the battle wounds. Instead, I have made the choice to embrace my bumps and bruises, as they have been reminders of my falls. More importantly, they have become reminders of my strength and courage. It takes a sucker to fall and stay down on their knees, but it takes a strong person to stand alone, wipe the tears, and know that nothing is Impossible.

"Impossible is a word in which a believer would never utter"


Monday, March 15, 2010

Curve Ball.

Life has a tendency of throwing us a curve ball here and there. Whether it be a small mishap or a delight.. its inevitable.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to embrace my current "curve ball". I have to admit that I am truly enjoying the ride. Though the path I am walking is undetermined, I feel as though I am prepared for whatever obstacles may come.
Some may ask "Is the risk worth it?" I can only reply with "Absolutely." Some of the best times of our lives are lived within the moments least expected. I can't help but find myself with a smile lately. Every moment is like a new ride. Once the ride is over, I can't help but anticipate it's next go-around. It is truly amazing how such small insignificant things could mean the world to one person. All it takes, at times, is just a split second for things to change. Once the change occurs, you never want it to go back to what it once was. There's only moving up.

I am unaware of where this ride will take me, or where it will end. All I am certain of is that I am living in every moment of it. I haven't felt this alive in quite some time. I think curve balls are starting to suit my life style.

"The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become"

If you ask me..

I have been lucky enough to meet some spectacular people in my life. Some have made brief appearences and left huge impacts, where as other have lingered and remained vital to my everyday life.

Many times I wonder where I would be without the guest appearences. Those small significant moments are some of which made me the person I am today. From the 1st kiss to the 1st boy friend and 1st broken heart, I have grown. The kiss made me a young lady, the 1st boy friend taught me lessons on trust and loyalty. Lastly, the 1st break up made me strong enough to handle anything that came my way. Without these stepping stones, I couldn't grow. These people were just put in my life for a teaching hand, and then were faded out once my lessons were learned.

My "vital needs" entourage are the people I can't picture a day without. My family, and friends are the people who keep me grounded and focused. From my mothers love, to my best friends' advice and supporting hand, I have truly been able to over come all obstacles. My mother was there to advise me with my 1st boyfriend. My best friends' were there to hold my hand when it all fell apart. At the end of any day, you are only as strong as the support system you have pushing you to be better.

If you ask me, both "guest appearences" & the significant people have been important to my growth. After all, the worked together. Without a 1st kiss or boyfriend, what could my mother advise me on? Without a broken heart, my best friends' wouldn't have been able to mend the pieces, and show me who I am.
