Thursday, March 12, 2009


Apparently people have been reading my posts and taking it out of context. I just want to clarify that just because I blog about my personal experience and/or situations, doesn't not allow you, the reader, to start dialing numbers and instigating matters. 
I'm starting to believe that people have no lives. Which is OK to me... it gives me higher profile views every time you pay me a visit. =)

Just don't make something out of nothing and allow me to "fix" my own issues.. Like the 22 yr old that I am. 

xoxo you know you love me =)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

1st Dates.. Ugh

Now that I am dating again, I find myself almost educating these fools on how to act on a date. I have been on a few first dates recently and some of the things that these guys TRIED to do left me gasping. I almost felt embarrassed and violated at the same time. 

One of my date-scapades landed me in a very small lounge in Williamsburg. The mood and scene was actually very romantic. This particular guy, however, was not as impressive. I don't think that we had intelligent conversation at any one time that entire night. All his ignorant self could talk about was how he just got this new hair gel & how many times a week he goes to the gym.
Fellas, please stop this "cocky" epidemic from spreading any further. If you have to brag about the gym, that means you're not attending as frequently as you claim. As for the hair products, we simply do not care as to whether you are using gel, mouse or whatever other fem. products. 

I mean, these guys can't be serious right?

I also had a retard try and grab the boob. I know they're out there but my god! Ask me my last name before you go grabbing at my buffet line. lol 

Anyway, just wanted to share that experience. I'll keep you all posted as to how many lames I date before I find the winner. 

Good Night =)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mientes Tan Bien

Que te quedaras conmigo 
Una vida entera 
Que contigo adiós inviernos 
Solo primavera 

Que las olas son de magia 
Y no de agua salada 
Yo te creo todo 
Tú no me das nada... 

Que si sigo tu camino 
Llegaré hasta el cielo 
Tú me mientes en la cara 
Y yo me vuelvo ciego 

Yo me trago tus palabras 
Tú juegas un juego 
Y me brilla el mundo 
Cuando dices luego...

Cuando dices siento 
Siento que eres todo 
Cuando dices vida 
yo estaré contigo 

Tomas de mi mano 
Y por dentro lloro 
Aunque sea mentira 
Me haces sentir vivo 
Aunque es falso el aire 
Siento que respiro 
Mientes tan bien 
Que me sabe a verdad 
Todo lo que me das 
Ya te estoy amando 

Mientes tan bien 
Que he llegado a imaginar 
Que mi amor llenas tu piel 
Aunque todo es de papel  
Mientes lo sé 

Sin Banderas__ 


Quote =)

" Well behaved women never make history "


" I'm a sucka over the smooth slick talk "


Process Of Elimination

Well, it's become clear that I need to eliminate a lot of garbage from life. When I say garbage I mean baggage, dead weight, time consumers, etc. I like to call this chapter of my life "SPRING CLEANING." 
I am simply at a place in my life where no one matters to me. It may seem harsh, but I finally have to think of myself. I have a small group of close friends and the love of my family. What more could someone ask for?
I just find that everyone has an agenda these days. The betrayal is inevitable, and the disappointment come by the dozen. Frankly, I'll pass. I am aware of who I can trust and depend on. When life becomes to much to bare, or boys leave me without words, I can call my girls*
Friend is a term too loosely used. It's taken some time, but with experience I have used the process of elimination to dispose of the garbage. 

Good bye to the drama.. hellooooo sanity! lmao
I feel like a weight is lifted.. =)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Let Down

I have encountered a one night let down. 
It was magical.
It was a small taste of what we once were.
Before the fighting & the bickering,
Before the harsh words, and predictable let-downs.
Our 2-day hibernation brought me to a harsh reality though.
We can never be those two people again.
No more late nights and silly fights.
No more deep conversation and future planning. 
I have simply become the one that got away. 
He can't let go.
In a way, I don't want him to. 
I want that little secret place in his heart to have my name embedded. 
Though our little escape from the world was blissful. 
It became very bitter sweet.
I couldn't help but interrogate myself.
When will it be enough for me to walk away?
When will I stop listening to the beat of his heart..
and follow the wisdom in which I know I possess.
Through my personal attack I came to this conclusion.. 
When two people love each other..
Truthfully and Completely..
Enough will simply Never become Enough..


Saturday, March 7, 2009


If I'm not with you right now.. I have this feeling we'll get lost out there.. It's a big bad world out there filled with twists and turns.. and people have a way of blinking and missing the moment.. The moment that could have changed everything.. I don't know why you should take the leap of faith with us.. But you smell good to me.. Like Home..

.. Next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in that conversation.. 

Finally back at it!

I know its been a bit since I have posted any blogs. I apologize, but Tiff is back & boy do I have a lot to blog about =)
So much has been going on in my world and much of it I am ready to spill about =)
I feel as though I need some mental cleansing, and this site is the perfect place for that! 
So happy to be back!!
