Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lions, Tigers & Bears - Jazmin Sullivan
I have to admit.. this song struck a nerve..
I'm sure its exactly how 087037503758370 females out there are feelings. lol
Enjoy! xoxo
Fairty Tales or Real Life?

A very good friend of mine posted a blog discussing the importance of commitment. Now, knowing her, she's a hopeless romantic and that's one thing I love about her. She wants the prince charming, the glass slipper & the castle in the sky, and she deserves all of those things. As well you I do, and any other good woman. But, I can't help but think to myself, are we as women being realistic is what we want?
Men have a hard enough time being themselves, imaging playing prince charming? That's a lot of weight on one persons shoulders. Women are very emotional creatures so we want men to listen, and be "understanding". Men on the other hand are very simple. They know what they want (for the most part) and that's what they go by.
So my question is, are we wasting too much time trying to mold the man into who we want him to be, or are we appreciating him for who he is.. stained shirts & holes in the socks..
In my opinion ladies, we can't have it all. Therefore we need to cut the list of requirements short. If you have a good man who loves you and is attentive, appreciate him. Those are like 4 leaf clovers.. rare to find. Most of the time we throw away a good thing because we pick at these men all day long.
Maybe I'm just not as romantic or demanding. I appreciate the small things. A morning phone call, a kiss to the forehead, the slight holding of hands during a movie, the random "I love you" during an episode of Sex & The City, but most of all the company of a good man.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
SNL - Jizzed In My Pants
SNL had me almost spit up my soda when I seen this one!!
I love TV.. I swear!
Enjoy Pervs! lol
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Me..Myself & I..
I used to believe that you had nothing if you didn't have friends or a significant other to share your life with. Let me just state that my outlook on that has changed drastically.
I hate to sound cliché but Since the new year is approaching I feel as though I need to vent out just a little bit.. So hang in there with me as the thoughts start coming out.
This year has been one of the toughest for me. I have over come some obstacles in which I thought I would never have to face. Being the strong woman that I am, I pulled through. That doesn't mean I wasn't affected though. For those who know me, it's been a trying year and as the ending approaches.. I find myself having to overcome the un-imaginable.
I hate to sound like I'm wallowing in self pity.. Or as though I'm not grateful for the beautiful things I do have.. Because I am truly blessed as well as grateful.. I'm just a tiny bit bitter that's all. I'm allowed.
I'm a firm believer that everything we go through is because somewhere out there.. Someone believed we can handle it. With that said.. I know every trying time I have faced has made me stronger and wiser, and for that I am a little at peace.
Lastly, I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am all I have. This year has opened my eyes to many things, both enlightening and disappointing. Through everything.. I stood alone and that's ok with me now.. Because no one is going to love me like I love myself. Honestly.. That's all I need..
Me.. Myself & I
I hate to sound cliché but Since the new year is approaching I feel as though I need to vent out just a little bit.. So hang in there with me as the thoughts start coming out.
This year has been one of the toughest for me. I have over come some obstacles in which I thought I would never have to face. Being the strong woman that I am, I pulled through. That doesn't mean I wasn't affected though. For those who know me, it's been a trying year and as the ending approaches.. I find myself having to overcome the un-imaginable.
I hate to sound like I'm wallowing in self pity.. Or as though I'm not grateful for the beautiful things I do have.. Because I am truly blessed as well as grateful.. I'm just a tiny bit bitter that's all. I'm allowed.
I'm a firm believer that everything we go through is because somewhere out there.. Someone believed we can handle it. With that said.. I know every trying time I have faced has made me stronger and wiser, and for that I am a little at peace.
Lastly, I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am all I have. This year has opened my eyes to many things, both enlightening and disappointing. Through everything.. I stood alone and that's ok with me now.. Because no one is going to love me like I love myself. Honestly.. That's all I need..
Me.. Myself & I
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Checklist: Is she a true friend?
Yesss!!! I'm back people! I told you I had one in the making.. lol
Females, for some reason, always seem to have issues when it comes to maintianing a healthy relationship with the same sex. No I do not mean Lesbians Boys.. lets keep it clean! thanks! I mean friendships. Females, in my opinion, tend to be very catty, emotional, easily manipulated, and my favorite JEALOUS. So here is a check list in which you can use to determine.. Is she a true friend.. Or is this b*tch trying to poison my Rum & Coke.. lol Enjoy!
You Know She's A True Friend When..
Females, for some reason, always seem to have issues when it comes to maintianing a healthy relationship with the same sex. No I do not mean Lesbians Boys.. lets keep it clean! thanks! I mean friendships. Females, in my opinion, tend to be very catty, emotional, easily manipulated, and my favorite JEALOUS. So here is a check list in which you can use to determine.. Is she a true friend.. Or is this b*tch trying to poison my Rum & Coke.. lol Enjoy!
You Know She's A True Friend When..
- No matter what is going on in her world.. she always has that 5 min. call during her lunch break with your name on it!
- She remembers the small things like your birthday, or the day you broke up with your first love.
- When your sick, shes not worried about catching your cold. Instead she hops right in the bed with tissues.. soup.. and the latest hopeless romantic DVD rental.
- If your swimming in the pity pool, she's always going to be the first to remind you that it can always be worse.. and that maybe you should be dwelling on what you're grateful for.
- Lastly, no matter what issues the friendship faces... you always find a way to talk it out. Some things just arent worth losing a friend over. Example: Boys
You Know She's Not A True Friend When...
- Anytime you call her to speak about something thats important to you, the convo quickly becomes about her.
- If every comment is.. "I dont like that" or " You should do this" shes not trying to look out for your best interest.. shes trying to control what she dont have.
- If she tends to call you to do her dirty work, shes not looking for her homegirl to help her out, shes looking for someone to blame when the shit hits the fan.
- Lastly, if a boy gets involved in the friendship.. there wasnt really ever a friendship. There is no room for a boyfriend when it comes to bff's. Keep the 2 seperate. Believe me.
This Check List was more on the serious tip. But it's the truth. I dont know how many friends I have lost throughout the years over stupidity. It's just not right.
Keep the lines of communication open, and you should be good. =)
via Email
As you know, I have my aim/email accounts on my profile for those who would like to send in some of their own thoughts and judgements.
Frankly, I am happy to state that i received my first "I Hate Your Blog" letter via email. lol
Here's a little snippet of the love/hate letter.. Enjoy!
".. I just don't get you. Why do you write about things you know nothing about. Your man don't like you, no one does. Let go of the blogging and worry about what your boyfriend is doing on his spare time.."
That's just a little taste. LOL
Thanks to my emailer.. I spent my day smiling. As I stated before.. everyone in entitled to an opinion of course. But geeze Hun.. If this blog is not your type of tempo there are so many others you can be reading. Maybe you like Tiffany & Co's outlook on life more than you think.. After all.. you visit me quite often! lol
Who ever you are.. I appreciate you & your opinion. Keep the emails coming love! =)~
Frankly, I am happy to state that i received my first "I Hate Your Blog" letter via email. lol
Here's a little snippet of the love/hate letter.. Enjoy!
".. I just don't get you. Why do you write about things you know nothing about. Your man don't like you, no one does. Let go of the blogging and worry about what your boyfriend is doing on his spare time.."
That's just a little taste. LOL
Thanks to my emailer.. I spent my day smiling. As I stated before.. everyone in entitled to an opinion of course. But geeze Hun.. If this blog is not your type of tempo there are so many others you can be reading. Maybe you like Tiffany & Co's outlook on life more than you think.. After all.. you visit me quite often! lol
Who ever you are.. I appreciate you & your opinion. Keep the emails coming love! =)~
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I am who I am
I have been so lucky to love the people who I hold close to my heart. Whether it be friends.. family.. or a boyfriend who can't get it together (lol) I have truly been blessed.
I am aware that many people may or may not feel a certain way about me. I want to address this issue head on.
I am who I am.. and at the end of the day.. as long as I am true to myself, that's all that matters. I have to live my life as I see fit. I make the choices.. I make the mistakes.. and I live with them. Whether they are right or wrong.. I live with it.. no one else.
So please.. before you pass judgement on me and/or any others, be sure that you are content with the life you're living. Be sure that when you look in the mirror every morning, you are pleased with the person looking right back at you because the one person you can not lie to is yourself.
I am aware that many people may or may not feel a certain way about me. I want to address this issue head on.
I am who I am.. and at the end of the day.. as long as I am true to myself, that's all that matters. I have to live my life as I see fit. I make the choices.. I make the mistakes.. and I live with them. Whether they are right or wrong.. I live with it.. no one else.
So please.. before you pass judgement on me and/or any others, be sure that you are content with the life you're living. Be sure that when you look in the mirror every morning, you are pleased with the person looking right back at you because the one person you can not lie to is yourself.
The Garden - Mirah
I can see this track becoming like the next "Swagger Like Us"
Maybe its me.. but I am def. feeling the sound and feel of this song.
enjoy! =)
Happy Holidays
Just wanted to wish everyone who reads my Lovesick/Lovestoned blog
A very happy and safe holidays.
I hope Santa is good to you all..
as he sure has been to me =)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Shouts to the New blog follower.. I'm not sure I know
But thanks for coming by and supporting the page!
Means a lot =)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sorry, I'm slacking on the blogging
I'm sorry!!! I haven't blogged in a while..
But as usual.. I'm a busy person.. Don't worry. Have a check list in the making tho...
I sooooo miss this LOL
But as usual.. I'm a busy person.. Don't worry. Have a check list in the making tho...
I sooooo miss this LOL
Monday, December 8, 2008
Public Service Announcement
It seems to me that people just aren't satisfied with their everyday lives, since they have the time to come and criticize me. I am not the least bit upset about it, I am aware that everyone has an opinion to which they are entitled to. Therefore, keep the insults coming. Especially if that's how you really truly feel.
I have never really gotten along with too many females. I keep that circle very close knit. It seems as though people find things to hate me for. Maybe it that's their ex doesn't want them and keeps coming to me, maybe it's that I have something they FIGHT for and have yet to win the battle, maybe they're insecure with themselves and lastly, maybe they are just so miserable they need to tarnish others in order to feel a positive way when they look in that smokey mirror. I don't know, I'm not here to put anyone down. This page is to be used for fun and humor, and it will remain so. I will not pay mind to those rude individuals who obviously are only upset because they aren't me.
Hopefully, we can all start to act our own age.
Thanks =)
I have never really gotten along with too many females. I keep that circle very close knit. It seems as though people find things to hate me for. Maybe it that's their ex doesn't want them and keeps coming to me, maybe it's that I have something they FIGHT for and have yet to win the battle, maybe they're insecure with themselves and lastly, maybe they are just so miserable they need to tarnish others in order to feel a positive way when they look in that smokey mirror. I don't know, I'm not here to put anyone down. This page is to be used for fun and humor, and it will remain so. I will not pay mind to those rude individuals who obviously are only upset because they aren't me.
Hopefully, we can all start to act our own age.
Thanks =)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
High School Love
What ever happened to that high school love?
That pure and innocent love?
The type that makes you take 4 trains and a bus
type of love.
How about that "I can never live without you" feeling?
That "I need to see you everyday" feeling.
Seems to me like once you hit a certain age,
that High School Love goes out the window.
Real life starts to take its toll.
Real problems start to rise,
and by the time you know it,
you're lucky if you could even remember that
High School Love.
What it was about.
How it made you feel.
But most of all,
How to get it back.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I am Honored!
To my faithful blog readers, I am proud to announce I have fan mail!
I would like to give a huge round of applause to Mr/Ms. Anonymous.
Allow me to thank you for you're witty comment =) I appreciate it.
Oh and keep them coming! I love a little rivalry.. makes my work day fly by!
xoxo.. you know you love me =)
To my faithful blog readers, I am proud to announce I have fan mail!
I would like to give a huge round of applause to Mr/Ms. Anonymous.
Allow me to thank you for you're witty comment =) I appreciate it.
Oh and keep them coming! I love a little rivalry.. makes my work day fly by!
xoxo.. you know you love me =)
People, for one reason or another, have a hard time being alone. I speak from experience when I state the single life isn't too tough.
Of course, when two people split, they're broken hearted. Some people need more time, than others, to heal and move on. But what happens when that time consumes you? Let me give an example. Everyone has that one friend that just can not let go. They almost become consumed with the "how it used to be" they fail to realize how it is.
When you become a "single", its always for a reason. Maybe that relationship wasn't giving you what you needed, but to keep it simple, maybe it was just time to call it quits. Now, can someone explain why is it when we let it go, we want it right back? Almost as though there's this fear of being alone.
Allow me to speak freely.
I have spent much of my time in a relationship such as the one I am describing. Though some of the conditions are different, it was almost the same concept. I, possibly, have had a hard time letting go. Things ended mutually, but it seems as though we have those hidden claws dug right into each others hearts. It's difficult to move on in such a predicament. Maybe, subconsciously, I'm not ready to go, and neither is he. My point here is, we are both single, he is free to do what he pleases, as am I, yet on those cold dark nights we end up together.
Is it the comfort of each others company, or am I discovering that maybe our "single" lives is a mistake?
Of course, when two people split, they're broken hearted. Some people need more time, than others, to heal and move on. But what happens when that time consumes you? Let me give an example. Everyone has that one friend that just can not let go. They almost become consumed with the "how it used to be" they fail to realize how it is.
When you become a "single", its always for a reason. Maybe that relationship wasn't giving you what you needed, but to keep it simple, maybe it was just time to call it quits. Now, can someone explain why is it when we let it go, we want it right back? Almost as though there's this fear of being alone.
Allow me to speak freely.
I have spent much of my time in a relationship such as the one I am describing. Though some of the conditions are different, it was almost the same concept. I, possibly, have had a hard time letting go. Things ended mutually, but it seems as though we have those hidden claws dug right into each others hearts. It's difficult to move on in such a predicament. Maybe, subconsciously, I'm not ready to go, and neither is he. My point here is, we are both single, he is free to do what he pleases, as am I, yet on those cold dark nights we end up together.
Is it the comfort of each others company, or am I discovering that maybe our "single" lives is a mistake?
I apologize for not posting any new "Check List" blogs people. My god, how was I to know that was your daily dose of humor? lol =)
I'm working on a new one for you guys. It should be up shortly.
So please stop cursing me out, but do keep giving me material! lmao
You know you love me =)
I'm working on a new one for you guys. It should be up shortly.
So please stop cursing me out, but do keep giving me material! lmao
You know you love me =)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Weekly Quote =)
"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."
- Samuel Johnston
Poem of the Week
I want you to know one thing.
You know how this is:
if I look at the crystal moon,
at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch near the fire
the impalpable ash or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners that passes through my life,
and you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots,
remember that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
But if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine
If You Forget Me
by Pablo Neruda
Monday, December 1, 2008
Only 2 More Weeks!
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